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The Steps To Take For Effective Intergenerational Wealth

Abelaj Law, PC / Estate Planning  / The Steps To Take For Effective Intergenerational Wealth
Three generations of women sit on a couch
16 Jan

The Steps To Take For Effective Intergenerational Wealth

There is a lot more to effective intergenerational wealth planning than estate planning. However, estate planning is an essential component. Intergenerational wealth planning means taking the critical steps to plan for preserving, using, and transferring your wealth to future generations. Estate planning involves a sound and up-to-date will and often requires working with an attorney and financial advisor. Both include preparing and planning to ensure you remain financially independent while distributing your assets according to your preferred time frame and structure. Family and legacy are innate portions of effective intergenerational wealth and estate planning, and there are critical steps to take to preserve your family’s foundation and wealth throughout generations. If you would like to learn more about intergenerational wealth with estate planning, call the Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm at 212-328-9568. An experienced estate planning attorney could help protect your legacy and future generations. 

Effective Intergenerational Wealth Planning 

Effective intergenerational wealth planning requires getting together with the family and agreeing to discuss the future of the family’s assets, including real estate, tangible and intangible assets, and businesses. A successful and smooth transition requires open conversation and careful planning and preparation. The planning means minimizing the impact of inheritance tax when it passes to heirs and keeping them from dealing with stress from years of costly probate. Intergenerational wealth planning and management allow the estate owners to control where the money goes after they are gone. It is satisfying for many to get a clear picture of how their wealth will positively impact future generations to come. Passing on wealth to heirs also means handling the process as tax-efficiently as possible. 

The Benefits of Estate Planning 

Estate planning involves carefully structuring an estate to save family members from the unnecessary financial and emotional strain of probate in the future. People often mistakenly believe that estate planning is something that wealthy families do and not something they should waste their time and worry considering. However, there are many things that everyone can benefit from, and every legal adult should begin to prepare and plan. An estate plan ensures a strategic plan for the estate holder’s future healthcare, home, and finances. Individuals can provide for their families and future generations by organizing and estate planning, even when they are gone. Other benefits of estate planning include: 

  • Estate planning allows the holder of the estate to distribute assets to family members according to their wishes and the time frame they desire 
  • Allows the individual to talk to their family members about opportunities and various options involving finances and assets 
  • Estate planning means discussing the advantages and disadvantages of lifetime gifting or leaving family members an inheritance
  • They can evaluate whether they would like to set up trusts for heirs 
  • Planning means determining how the heritage priorities will impact their family’s future generations
  • Organizing and estate planning reduces estate taxes 

Effective generational wealth with estate planning is all the valuable assets a person passes down to their heirs. Arranging the smooth and seamless transfer of wealth is critical in preserving the family’s legacy, ensuring heirs inherit the assets to intend to receive, and minimizing taxes.

The Steps to Take for Effective Intergenerational Wealth and Estate Planning 

It is not uncommon for families to plan to transfer wealth without considering how vital passing on the family legacy is to them. That is especially true concerning details about passing on their philanthropic, social, and economic values. Building a fierce legacy is admirable, making it essential to pass on to future generations. Careful planning and preparation will play a pivotal role in effectively facilitating these considerations in transferring family wealth and estate planning. The first and most vital step for estate planning is determining net worth. They can do this by adding all tangible and intangible assets and then subtracting all liabilities and debt. 

The Tangible Assets 

  • Home, real estate, and property 
  • Vehicles 
  • Collectables 

The Intangible Assets  

Intangible assets are not physical and include: 

  • Checking and savings accounts 
  • Life insurance policies 
  • Stocks and bonds 
  • Retirement accounts, including 401k

You have the knowledge and experience to build wealth successfully, and you can pass that knowledge down to your heirs and future generations. It is vital to plan effectively, create a solid estate plan, and review it regularly to make updates. After taking stock of all assets and subtracting liabilities, meet with the family to discuss their desires and needs. Finally, establish the beneficiaries and directives. A seasoned attorney at Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm can go over the steps and benefits of addressing intergenerational wealth with estate planning. 

The Common Concerns of Estate Planning  

While there are numerous benefits to intergenerational wealth and estate planning, there are also common concerns to keep in mind. 

Avoiding Probate 

Probate is stressful and costly for family members after losing a loved one. There are executor fees, attorney expenses, administrative fees, and more. The costs can accumulate quickly. Making matters worse, going through probate is almost always an extensive and lengthy process.

Family Disputes 

It is not uncommon for estate planning individuals to believe that family members and heirs can work out disputes and peacefully split assets. Carefully organizing a solid plan can provide unity among the family for years to come. Trusting heirs to divide an inheritance amongst themselves can leave a family in disarray. 

Call an Experienced Estate Lawyer Today to Start Planning  

Effective planning is about taking control of your life and health and planning the passing of your wealth to future generations to ensure intergenerational wealth. The planning will allow you to make essential proactive decisions so your loved ones will not have to make them for you if that time comes. If you are ready to begin your intergenerational wealth with estate planning, call Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm at 212-328-9568. You can trust an experienced estate lawyer to help protect your legacy for future generations. 


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