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Trademarks And Non-Profit Organizations

Abelaj Law, PC / Non-Profits  / Trademarks And Non-Profit Organizations
3 May

Trademarks And Non-Profit Organizations

It is becoming necessary for non-profits to compete for funding and donations. Name recognition is more important than ever. For that reason, non-profit organizations must protect their name and brand. Federal trademarking provides protection and is a great way to spread awareness. Incorporating and registering as tax-exempt from the Internal Revenue Service provides some protections. However, a federal trademark is still vital to protect the intellectual property of a non-profit organization. Registering a trademark on a non-profit organization’s brand will add safeguarding and value to the business. If you ever decide to merge, expand, or sell the company, the organization’s value will also be higher than those without a trademark. A trademark will provide you with legal benefits and branding rights you otherwise will not have. If you have questions about trademarks and non-profit organizations or would like to begin the process, call a knowledgeable attorney at Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm at 212-328-9568.

Requirements for Registering a Trademark with the Federal Government

According to the Legal Information Institute, a trademark identifies the seller or maker of goods or products. It may be a symbol, design, name, sound, fragrance, or any combination the business uses to promote or identify itself. There are two significant requirements for trademark registration.

The company must use the trademark for commerce purposes, and the mark must be unique. While the use of a logo provides some protections on its own, there are limitations. Thus, registered trademarks receive significant advantages over those without legal ownership. A knowledgeable lawyer at Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm could answer questions and provide more information on trademarks and non-profit organizations.  

The Legal Benefits of a Federal Trademark for Non-profits

Trademark rights are automatic when the business uses a symbol to represent the brand. Yet, the laws limit those rights to the company’s region. Federal trademark registration provides a higher level of protection and protects the non-profit’s intellectual property. Filing will also ensure they do not infringe on the rights of others. Some of the other legal benefits of federal trademark registration are detailed below.

Nationwide Protection

The business acquires some automatic rights in the state where they operate. It happens after simply using the trademark. Yet, federal registration is nationwide. Federal law protects the non-profit mark in all 50 states. It provides protection even when the company only does business within one state.

Federal Court Protection

If another business uses a registered trademark, the non-profit business owners will have legal rights. They can take them to federal court, and the judge will immediately order the infringing business to stop using the symbol. The court may also hold the infringing company accountable and allow the non-profit to collect damages.

Public Awareness

Registering the trademark will mean notification to the public. People will know that the brand represents a specific non-profit organization. They can quickly identify and distinguish it from other non-profit organizations.

Evidence of Ownership

The organization will receive proof of registration. After completing the process, they will receive a federal trademark registration certificate showing ownership.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office‘s Online Database

Upon the USPTO’s approval and registration of the trademark, they will list it on the online database. The website will offer trademark owners more benefits.

Benefits of the Trademark Database

After listing a non-profit on the website, businesses can access the online data. Searches are a vital first step in the registration of any new trademark. They can review current registrations and those already in process. Searching will ensure they do not go through the filing process for a symbol that is in use or too similar for approval. Some other benefits of listing a registered trademark in the database include:

  • Potential trademark owners will see that the non-profit organization’s brand is already in use.
  • The non-profit can search for the misuse of a trademark by other entities. 
  • Organizations can conduct searches before making business decisions. Searches can help them decide on significant financial transactions, expansion, or mergers.

The trademark database provides a more manageable process and helps with monitoring after completion.  

More Benefits of Federal Trademark Registration

When thinking of a trademark, most think of for-profit businesses. Yet, they are also critical for the future success of non-profit companies. A popular or known brand will help identify new ways to generate revenue. That will allow the business to continue investing time and resources into essential work. It will ensure a positive future for the company’s mission and the reason for the operation. Federal registration will provide many other perks for the non-profit organization. Some benefits include:

  • Registering the trademark will mean countrywide brand awareness.
  • The non-profit controls the name and logo licensing for marketing and fundraising purposes.
  • The trademark is an asset and will add value to the non-profit corporation. 
  • More brand awareness gives a higher potential to expand the entity in the future.
  • There is a more straightforward process for international trademarking rights after federal registration. 
  • The non-profit business has legal rights to use the registered trademark symbol.

Trademarks are critical for non-profit organizations for many reasons. After registration, the law considers the non-profit business’s trademark as intellectual property. Potential sponsors may be more likely to make donations or support the charity. Most are more likely to give to a charity or cause to organizations they are familiar with and recognize.

Call an Experienced Attorney About Trademarking a Non-Profit Business Today

For non-profit organizations, reputation and promotion are of the utmost importance. By registering your trademark, you would increase brand awareness while promoting public awareness. Federal registration of the business’s trademark is imperative for long-term goals and success. The law does not require that companies operating within the United States retain a lawyer for the trademark application process, however, the United States Patent Trademark Office encourages it. An attorney experienced with trademark law can help you through the complex process. They could ensure no avoidable delays or potentially losing rights to the trademark. To hear more about trademarks and non-profit organizations, call a seasoned lawyer at Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm. You can reach them at 212-328-9568.


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